Friday, 30 September 2011


I seem to have forgotten that my Msc exams start in just over a week. I took one look at the pile of textbooks on my floor... and went for a walk instead. 

U-Kiss - "Neverland (네버랜드)"

So I named my blog after this song as it represents my full-blown ADDICTION to k-pop. Mmmhmm. Just look at all that pretty...

Heh. Love it :p

Since I'm finally doing something interesting with my life...

… I figured a blog of some sort was in order.

The next few weeks will probably consist of erratic input, most likely revolving around one of the most stressful tasks any girl must face… packing a suitcase. And not for a holiday, but for a whole year! I suspect there will be a few tantrums in the near future. 

So basically, in June this year, I decided that I’d like to move to South Korea. The whole process was pretty straight forward, gathering all the documents was more time consuming than anything else. I thought the actual job hunting would be the toughest part, but once I’d secured that all important interview, it all fell into place. I was offered a job last week in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do and I pretty much have around 4 weeks to finish up at my current job, get packed, say my goodbyes and make my way to South Korea. Not bad at all.

Anyway, I know myself well enough to know that I won’t keep a journal when I start my new adventure, but if I don’t record it somewhere, I know I’ll regret it. So here goes…