Wednesday, 3 April 2013

City of...

It's hump day, only 3 days until a weekend of lying around and recovering from the cold and from just being so damn busy!

This week started with being told... by my students... that I had an extra class added to my schedule, which takes the toll up to nine 20 minute classes, plus the extra class on a Tuesday and Thursday. It's a really fast day, and more time with the kids means less time for the boring stuff like paperwork, yay! 

I've managed to get myself into the routine of getting up with Jinmo at 6.30am and just staying up instead of going back to bed when he leaves, which means Watson gets an extra walk, and I get some more time for Korean study. I still can't speak the language well, but everyday with Korean co-workers and being the only foreigner, plus everyday with Jinmo, means that my understanding has improved so much! I was actually shocked last Sunday when I had lunch with his parents... I could understand pretty much all of the days' conversations!

Apart from that, not much else to report. I've started cooking other things and not only spaghetti bolognese, I even managed a successful mince and tatties!

But last night, we failed to keep up the 'lets stay in and cook every night to save money' and opted for a trip to kimbap heaven after work instead.

떡 만두 국

But now, it's really time to get saving for the rest of the wedding. The biggest part is reserved, which is a huge relief, but then there's the rings, the dress, the flights home and of course, the rest of the visa paperwork which should be finished in the next couple of weeks.

Jinmo and me at Jess and Sangwon's wedding last month

Right now, payday can't come fast enough... and after that, it will be spring and I can't wait! So many plans!  The cherry blossoms, a trip to Dongdaemun night market, some baseball games, the new British bar in Itaewan, and a long weekend away in May... can't come fast enough! 

So until payday, the warmer weather arrives and the rain stops, my free time involves catching up on Doctor Who and Broadchurch, and reading what will probably fill the gap left by Harry Potter and Twilight (yay!). So excited for this to come out, roll on August!


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